Macros and Utilities for KEDIT for Windows

Macros and Utilities for KEDIT for Windows

These KEDIT for Windows macros and utilities were written by Mansfield Software Group. A separate set of KEDIT macros and utilities written by KEDIT users is also available.

All of the macros described below can be downloaded together in a single ZIP file.

Please note - These macros and utilties are now in "maintenance mode". We are no longer enhancing these macros or adding new ones, and most of these macros are now over 20 years old. These macros and utilities are provided "as-is", and are not a formal part of the KEDIT for Windows product.

File Posted Size Description
ADDBLOCK.KEX 9/96 1038 bytes Sum the numbers in the currently marked box block and write the result to the cursor position.
ADDEM.KEX 1/20 1518 bytes Sum the numbers in the currently marked box block and display the result on the message line.
ALLPLUS.KEX 9/96 3 Kb Issue an ALL command and show all lines that match the target as well as N lines above and below.
BLOCKALL.KML 9/96 1618 bytes Use the contents of the currently marked one-line box or stream block as the target for an ALL command.
BOXMATH.KEX 9/96 (updated 12/06) 2689 bytes Given a box block of numbers, add, subtract, multiply or divide each number by a constant.
CAPITALS.KEX 9/96 4 Kb Capitalize all words in the specified target area. "Words" are defined as blank-delimited strings.
CAPS.KEX 9/96 4 Kb Capitalize all words in the specified target area. "Words" are determined according to the current value of SET WORD.
CMDCOPY.KEX 9/96 2274 bytes Copy the currently marked one-line box or stream block to the cursor position on the command line.
DBASCIIC.KEX 9/96 6 Kb Take a comma-delimited text file exported from a database and align the fields of each record so they line up in columns and can be viewed easily with KEDIT.
DBASCIIT.KEX 9/96 5 Kb Take a tab-delimited text file exported from a database and align the fields of each record so they line up in columns and can be viewed easily with KEDIT.
DELDUP.KEX 9/96 1743 bytes Delete all duplicate lines in a sorted file.
DELDUPL.KEX 9/96 (updated 9/10) 2263 bytes Delete all duplicate lines in an unsorted file.
DOLRFMT.KEX 9/96 6 Kb Convert numbers in the form 3345632 to $3,345,632.
EDITVMS.ZIP 2/98 (updated 11/12) 2 Kb Allows you to preserve EDITV variables across multiple KEDIT sessions.
ENHPRINT.ZIP 3/97 (updated 2/11) 7 Kb Print a file with a header, footer, page numbers, line numbers, date, time, fileid or any combination of these.
FLOWBOX.KEX 9/96 2549 bytes Issue a FLOW command against the contents of a box block to format the text without disturbing anything to the right or left of the block.
FLOWBOXX.KEX 9/96 2991 bytes Issue a FLOW command against the contents of a box block to format the text within the left and right edges of the block. Drag in any text to the right of the block when flowing.
GCHANGE.KEX 9/96 1490 bytes Issue a CHANGE command against all files in the ring.
GETFILES.KEX 9/96 1663 bytes Create a new file that consists of the contents of all the files in a list.
NEWMACRO.ZIP 12/97 4 Kb Create a new macro and ensures that you (and KEDIT) will always be able to find it later on.
NOHR.ZIP 4/98 3 Kb Copy text to the clipboard so that when it is pasted into a word processor the text is flowed between the margins with no embedded hard returns.
NUMSORT.KEX 9/96 1416 bytes Correctly sort a list of numbers that are left-adjusted against a column.
ODDQUOTE.KEX 9/96 1622 bytes Find all lines in the current file that have an odd number of single and double quotes and copy these to a separate file.
POPUPEX.KEX 9/96 1826 bytes Sample macro to demonstrate creation and manipulation of a popup menu.
RINGLIST.ZIP 12/97 4 Kb Display a sorted menu of files in the ring and select the one you want to go to.
SCROLLER.KML 9/96 1616 bytes Scroll two file windows up and down in unison.
SEQNUM.KEX 9/96 3 Kb Fill the currently marked box block with sequence numbers.
SHOWWORD.ZIP 3/98 5 Kb Given a user-specified list of words, highlight occurrences of those words within the current file.
SORTBLK.KEX 9/96 2852 bytes Sort a group of paragraphs based on the contents of the first line of each (e.g., a bibliography listing).
SPLITBLK.KEX 9/96 1699 bytes Split each line of the currently marked block just beyond a specified column.
SPLITEM.KEX 9/96 1098 bytes Split each line of the file just beyond a specified column.
SPLITTER.KEX 9/96 1328 bytes Selectively split each line of the file that contains a specified string target. Split the lines at the target location.
TBINDENT.ZIP 3/98 4 Kb Copy text to the clipboard so that when it is pasted into a word processor your indenting is preserved.
TEMPLATE.ZIP 2/98 2 Kb bytes Displays a list of template files to pick from and insert into the current file.
UNBOUND.KEX 4/98 6 Kb Make a file listing all keys that currently have no macro assigned to them.

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