KEDIT Hints and Tips: Am I Blue? Parenthesis Matching Made Easy

Many KEDIT users are not aware of how useful KEDIT's parenthesis matching facility can be. To find a matching parenthesis in KEDIT, simply put the cursor on a left or right parenthesis and press Shift+F3. The cursor will move to the corresponding right or left parenthesis, skipping over any intervening nested parentheses. To return to the original parenthesis, simply press Shift+F3 again. You can also use Shift+F3 to find matching braces ("{", "}") and brackets ("[", "]").

If you are using KEDIT for Windows and are editing files in a language like C, Java, or KEXX that has syntax coloring support, parenthesis matching is even more useful, because matching parentheses are shown in color. Level 1 (outermost) parentheses are shown in blue. Level 2 nested parentheses are shown in red, level 3 in green, etc. This makes it easy to tell if you've got the parentheses right in a complex expression: if the leftmost and rightmost parentheses aren't both blue, then you know you made a mistake.

In addition to parentheses, braces and brackets in a language like C are also colored. And in some languages, like KEXX, DO/END keyword pairs are colored, and you can use Shift+F3 to move between a matching DO and END.

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